April 11, 2016

  • National Poetry Month 2016

    Once again I have taken up the challenge of writing one poem a day for 30 days as part of the celebration that is National Poetry Month. The writing is going well, as I have managed to put something to paper every day so far this month. The only drawback has been with ideas on what to write about. Occasionally I feel tired as I try to come up with something to say.

    I have been using theĀ Bryant McGill Rhyming Dictionary to assist in the writing process. It gives me a clean writing space in which to work, as well as offers a wide variety of words or family names that rhyme with the lines I'm working on. Also, it does a decent job of counting syllables for each line. I am also using a rhyming dictionary from Scholastic that I purchased in Thailand. Both have helped me improve my writing.

    This time around I have written longer poems that tell a story, or at least are the opening lines for a story that I will let readers write for themselves. Other poems are filled with social commentary or are based on memories from years ago that threaten to become dreams.

    There are other challenges that I am currently facing at the time, involving finding a job, finding permanent housing, and getting some cash coming in so I can start living more independently of the System. Once upon a time people wanted to have the job, the family, the car, the house, and to be able to say that it was all paid for and they were debt free. From where I sit, I feel a sadness that the American dream of 30 years ago has ceased to exist, and has been replaced by the desire to get all the free stuff you can get while supplies last. The hard part is feeling like I no longer belong here, because the number of people who are probably sharing my opinion on this are decreasing in number every day.

    Yeah. For whatever reason I still hang on to some threat of hope that things will improve. Don't know when. Don't know how. Don't know if I will have a part to play in it. I want to see the future happen, and I want to do my part in taking on the challenges that are mine to accept, and to assist others when needed to help them achieve their own goals. Until it is officially "Game Over," I got stuff to do and not a lot of time to get it done. In the meantime...

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